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Monday 6 February 2012


The other day a friend of mine said that a fair fight is a fight where there are 
set rules and both parties abide by those rules, only then is it a fair fight.
 Fighting against Africans cannot be a fair fight, because they do not abide
 by the rules, which is why whites cannot win against them, unless they
 adapt themselves appropriately, which seems unlikely at this stage.

South Africa won a huge war against the combined forces of mighty Russia
 and communist Cuba, because it was a fair fight. the South African Defence 
Force had the superior motivation, determination, the superior strategy and 
equipment. Our men had superior training under the command of the best 
tacticians and experts in warfare. In a fair fight where it was strength 
measured against strength South Africa had to win against the strongest
 military forces in the World, because at the time South Africa was
 recognised as the third strongest military force on earth. There were
 numerous other factors of course, such the fact that we knew the terrain, 
our vehicles and equipment were developed and tested for the terrain 
and for the particular battle, we are the masters of guerilla warfare, and 
many other factors. The fact remains that it was a fair fight where the 
strongest, best adapted, best prepared and equipped WON!

The difference is that currently it is a completely different ball-game altogether. 
The SA Right-Wing easily talks of war, but they have not even studied their
 opponent, they do not understand their opponent and they think they are
 going to a gunfight governed by set rules that both parties would abide by,
 but they are being ignorant and foolish, because they have no idea what 
they would be up against.

The French and the Americans learned this lesson in Vietnam, because 
they thought they were entering a conventional war, a fair fight, where
 strength would be measured against strength, but the Vietnamese do
 not fight that way, they do not fight a fair fight. The Vietnamese caught
 them and held them in cages where they had the rats eat them alive.
 They caught them, kicked open ant-heaps and lay the American soldiers
 over those ant-heaps, then painted them with honey and let the ants eat
 them, slowly, while dying of thirst and hunger at the same time. They 
would chop down the bamboo, then tie the American soldiers down across
 those chopped down bamboo and allow the bamboo to grow through them, 
slowly killing them in the most inhumane ways, while the other soldiers in
 cages would watch their friends die. They would hang them upside down,
 bury them alive, chop them up with knives and let them scream themselves
 to death from sheer pain. That was not a fair fight, they could not win the
 fight, because the Americans did not expect what they confronted with. 
They Vietnamese broke their spirit, drove them mad and insane, they 
demotivated and demoralised them in the most atrocious, unthinkable 
of ways. The Vietnamese did not abide by the rules and they broke all 
the rules, they made their own rules, which rendered it an unfair fight.
 The Americans were not prepared for such a fight and were not able to
 fight the same fight, because they were not mentally or physically 
capable of such inhumane behaviour.

The Boers were winning the Anglo-Boer war, because it was a fair fight, a figh
t they could fight, that they were able to fight, and once again they were the
 inventors of guerilla warfare, a much superior approach particularly at the time.
 The Boers started losing when the British stopped abiding by the rules, which
 made it an unfair fight. The British started burning down their farms, killing their
 cattle, destroying their land and homes, burning them to death, rather than
 shooting them in a fair fight. The British then caught their wives and children,
 threw them into concentration camps where they murdered the women and
 children by starving them to death, letting them die from thirst and disease. 
The rules were no longer being equally applied and they broke the spirit of
the Boers, the broke their morale and the Boers had to capitulate, because
 they could not win an unfair fight. They held the Boer soldiers to ransom
 and forced them into submission. That is why the Boers lost, because
 they were no longer fighting a fair fight. In a fair fight they would have won
 the British, but they could not stand-up to the inhumane strategies of the

The Whites of South Africa today may have the guts and they maybe willing to
 go to war, but they have it all wrong. They think they would be going up against a conventional enemy in a fair fight where the rules would apply as expected in
 conventional warfare. Unfortunately this is not the case and they would be
 killed like flies, unless they learn to understand and adapt accordingly to
 meet the requirements for this challenge.

At the Battle of Stalingrad the Russian army used civilians of all ages as 
cannon fodder, which drove the German soldiers crazy. The German soldiers
 forced to shoot civilian women and children armed with nothing but axes 
and spades. Those women and children, forced to the front-line by the Russian
 army, were understandably ferocious and unforgiving in their attacks on the
 German soldiers, because in their will to survive they fought with everything
 they had, in the hope of making it out alive. Being confronted by thousands
 of innocent, "unarmed" women and children literally drove many of the
 German soldiers mad and many of them committed suicide right there 
on the battle field, while others threw down their rifles and surrendered.
 It was an unfair fight, an unexpected unconventional approach for which
the Germans were not prepared.

In Somalia the American soldiers lost their minds, because they were
expecting to fight a fair fight, but they were confronted by 8, 10 and 12 
year old uneducated black African children bearing AK47's and the 
American soldiers could not bring themselves to shooting armed "children", 
because it was against their morals, their values and their upbringing, it was
 against their very nature.

Africans do not abide by rules, they do not fight conventional warfare. In a fight 
whites would take a gun and shoot their enemy, but Africans do not, they
 surprise you in an ambush, they then tie you up, then they rape your wife
 and daughters many, many times over-and-over in-front of your eyes and
 then they slowly trample and kick and hit them to death, then they start
 stabbing them, over-and-over again-and-again then they rape and sodomise 
them again while they're bleeding and screaming themselves to death, then
 they would string your beautiful young daughter up against a wall, by her feet
 and slit open her stomach and pull out her gut alive, then while they are dying 
they start hitting you with knob-kieries and sticks, then they would stone you
 then they would stab you and cut you open with knives, then they would rape
 you, sodomise you while you're dying then they would chop you up alive with
 pangas and then if they feel like it they would shoot you in the knees and then
 in the hips after they had kicked you and jumped on you and then they leave
 you and your family to die a slow and horrible death. To round it off they would
 cut out your heart and liver, sometimes even while you're alive and have it for 
dinner. This is not a fair fight, this is not a simple gunfight or one-on-one hand
-to-hand combat. They are like pack-animals, they never come one-by-one,
 because they are too cowardly for that, they are a gutless breed that always 
come in numbers in packs like wild dogs, which is not a fair fight. They will 
break you, they will devour your soul, they will break your spirit. They would
 catch one of you, pull a tire over your shoulders, fill it with petrol and light 
you up so that all your soldier friends can watch you being burned to death
 and make sure everyone can and hear you screaming for help and pleading
 for mercy. They are not your standard proud conventional enemy, they do 
not have rules, while you do. They do not have remorse, while you do. They 
are inhumane and do not have a conscience, while you do. They are rapists
 by nature and you are not, They are cannibals by nature and you are not...... 
That is why the largely Christian convert white South Africans would lose it
 in a straight-forward fight against Africans.

While the Boers were fighting a conventional war with newly invented guerilla 
tactics on the battle fields the British soldiers were raping and murdering their
 wives and children back on the farms and in the concentration camps, forcing 
the Boers into submission and the same would happen to the whites today,
 because they have not contemplated the nature of the African enemy.

Too many of the white right think that if they were holding a 30.06 fitted with
 a telescopic sight they could have the upper hand, because they know how
 to use their weapons effectively with deadly accuracy and they could shoot
 over long distances, but that is not the fight they're up against. I sometimes
 laugh when I read the notices calling on whites to go for training, conventional 
military training, in anticipation of a conventional enemy that would abide by
 the rules. This tendency proves that they had learned nothing from the
 experiences of the Boers or the French or the Americans or any other
 similar war where the enemy did not fight a fair fight.

Particularly over the past 18 years the blacks have been fighting their favourite 
kind of fight, the inhumane, cannibalistic, typically cowardly style of terrorism
 intended to instil the fear of hell into their opponents.

The media and the liberals can call them freedom fighters as much as they like, 
but terrorists will be terrorists and they will remain terrorists. Terrorists are cowards.
 They plant bombs in primary school playgrounds and restaurants, like the ANC
 did and they murder and maim innocent children and unsuspecting civilians, 
children, babies and pregnant women alike. Terrorists do not have the guts to
 fight a fair fight, they cannot fight a conventional war, because they know they
 are not soldiers, but cowards that murder innocent children, just like the ANC 
did. Terrorists rape, burn down houses, kill nuns and priests, emergency
 medical personnel, they rape and kill babies, they have no morals, no respect
 for life, they are like reptiles.

Once a terrorist always a terrorist. The ANC terrorised South Africans of all 
colours and backgrounds for more than half a century and they cannot change
their ways, because they are still terrorising us to this very day. The media,
 the churches and the liberals turned them into hero's for having murdered,
 raped and maimed children, babies, women, girls and other innocent civilians.
 They promoted and supported them to become the government so that they
 could be free to terrorise everyone even more, to be free to steal the state 
coffers to bankruptcy. They the liberals, the churches and the media, supported 
and promoted them, they financed them and helped them to become the
 government so they could become drug-lords, turn South Africa into the
 rape capitol of the world and to be free to commit genocide against the
 whites of this country WITH THE SUPPORT AND BACKING OF ALL
THIS DAY! The churches, liberals and the media are denying that these
 murders are taking place, they are denying the high rates of crime and 
rapes, because they WANT them to continue terrorising us, because they 
support it today as much as they supported it back then.

We are still being terrorised by the same terrorists. Terrorists kill, the murder and
 rape, and they can see nothing wrong with it. That is why the ANC Regime can
 see nothing wrong with the 50 to 100 people being murdered everyday in South
 Africa, because to them it is normal, to them it is the right thing to do, because
 they have been doing it for more than 50 years. They are terrorising people in this
 country with the unthinkable number of high-jackings, armed robberies, the world 
record breaking number of rapes every minute of every day. The ANC has done
 nothing and can see nothing wrong with the high incidence of rapes in this 
country and they turned it the RAPE CAPITOL OF THE WORLD, because
 it is in their nature of the African male to rape. People are living in prisons 
with burglar bars and fencing, armed guards, dogs, and alarm systems. 
The number of private security armed response businesses shot up by 264%
 while total active registered security businesses grew by 61% over a five-year 
period. It is highly sophisticated terrorism. BEE and transformation is nothing
 other than economic terrorism. They are slowly but surely killing the white
 race, breaking their spirit and demoralising them, terrorising them by threats
 of being fired and replaced by unqualified, uneducated, unskilled blacks,
 taking away their means to earn a living and providing for their families, 
sophisticated commercial and labour terrorism. This is not a conventional 

They make examples of every case of murder they commit by being as
 inhumane as possible and then hail the murderers hero's. The ANC's
 black Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu defends a man accused of hiring three
 black men to gang-rape his estranged wife, then cutting off her breasts
 with an angle-grinder and shooting her 19-year-old son dead at point-blank
 range, by saying he is "a child of God", with the "capacity to become a saint",
 because ANC leaders who had also killed and ordered the killings, murders
 and maiming of thousands of innocent civilian people, had also been raised
 to the status of "Saint" with the help of the immoral SA churches, liberals
 and media. Remember that the ANC invented Necklace Murders, pulling
 tires over people's shoulders, filling it with petrol and lighting them up to
 make an example of them, terrorising everyone so that no one would dare 
go up against them for fear of also being killed in such monstrous (or should 
we say "saintly") ways. They rule by fear, because they are terrorists called
 freedom fighters. They are freedom fighters because they were free to
 commit these terrorist acts thanks to the support of the churches, the 
World's media and the immoral liberals of this sick world. Today they are
free to do as they please and they are doing it in every way they please
 with the support of those very churches, media and liberals.

The white right would lose against this enemy, they do not even stand a
 chance against this enemy, because this is not a fair fight. While the white
 men would be out fighting in the streets and alleys of major cities, the 
Africans would be raping, burning and murdering their wives and daughters
 back in their homes, breaking those men, stealing their souls and their
 motivation to fight. They would hang the whites from lamp posts and burn
 them to death for their friends to see, to break them and steal their spirit.
 Africans rape babies to death, they bash their skulls against concrete walls
 and as we have seen so many times since the ANC took over, they bash 
white babies to death with their bare fists, without remorse.

Every murderer admits that only their first murder was a challenge, but once 
they had crossed that obstacle of the initial murder, it is easy to kill again and 
again and again. Not one single member of the ANC ever admitted to their
 crimes against humanity as a terrorist organisation. They were never expected
 to say they were sorry for any of their murders and vicious cowardly terrorist 
acts and they never did say they were sorry, because they never had any remorse,
 not even the messiah of the liberal world, Nelson Mandela himself.

Moral whites do not have the ability to fight the Africans according to their own rules, because their conscience and religious convictions would not allow them to do so.
 Whites would be fools for thinking they would be fighting a fair fight. They think
 that by going to a shooting range and shooting at stationary targets, being fit
 and learning about conventional warfare they would be well trained, ready and
 prepared to face this enemy in a fair fight. Unfortunately this is not a fair fight,
 it has never been a fair fight and it never will be a fair fight.

If you want to fight, first study your enemy, study the way he thinks, understand
 his behaviour and his survival mechanisms, but never underestimate your enemy
 and least of all never go up against an enemy that does not fight according to
 the rules you expect him to follow, because you will lose.

"Why blacks would lose against South African Whites" is another discussion