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Wednesday 19 October 2011


Hier is Censorbugbear se waarskuwing aan alle blanke Boere: (kyk ook na Malema se dreigement van ‘n “bloedbad” by censorbugbear-reports.blogspot.comafrikaner-families-on-aler​t-oct-27-30.
Malema video starts off with gunshots and closes with ‘now or never, victory is setting’…Afrikaner community leaders point out that the video calling for two days of mass violence starts off with a series of gunshots with a handgun, followed by automatic gunfire – both with a specific message chosen so that ‘notice can be taken of the specific nature and extent of this mass-demonstration’. All the youth league members are being bused in from all over the country to convene on Gauteng’s major cities, Pretoria, Johannesburg, and the Johannesburg stock exchange. Malema introduces himself and tells black youths to ‘participate so that they can obtain their ‘FREEDOM IN THEIR LIFETIMES’. But who are their suppressors they want to obtain this freedom from? First of all the most visible group: the whites: they will have to flee or be dead. Secondly other black opposing factions, especially Zuma and his handful of supporters who still stand in the way of Malema taking over the country by force.Take a look at Malema's youtube video and listen CAREFULLY to his message. He specifically mentions that ‘Boers’ are the enemy:-- and take note of the motives behind these so called 'national days of mass actions', Afrikaner leaders are warning. "We are warning most urgently that the possibility of this not being the "usual ' ANC-marches exists very strongly. You only have to view the video to realise that he is calling for a bloodbath.Malema then makes promises to anyone participating in this massive two days of violence: ‘work, houses, land, nationalised mines, free educaiton, better salaries, free water, free electricity’. Then he announces the programme starting on 27 October at the Beyers Naudé-square in Johannesburg at 10am. The ‘masses’ then move together to Johannesburg Stock Exchange, in SANDTON, and late afternoon they will be taken to the seat of government: the Union Buildings in Pretoria.There, they will spend the night on its terraces and in the streets, promising a great deal of night-long violence in which nobody will be spared. And the co-ruling trade union movement COSATU is supporting this mass-action and is organising its members to join the ‘youths’.“Millions of blacks will show up to create the spectacle of the year’ in downtown Pretoria’ is the threat.Cosatu + ANCYL + township dwellers = ??? streaming into JHB and Pretoria at once, no national marches planned as everyone around the country will only march on Gauteng.3000+ ANCYL members newly trained by our SANDF will also contribute to the march.Afrikaners are warned that ‘it will not be very wise to be in the vicinity of those announced venues on 27 and 28 October. However it will also not be safe anywhere else in the country and it would be wise to sleep with your eyes open to protect your loved ones.’Hierdie waarskuwing moet in ‘n baie ernstige lig beskou word – veral as u in Johannesburg of Pretoria bly. (Die situasie kan vinnig versleg en ook na ander stedelike gebiede uitkrring). Dink nugter en wees paraat.Gregory Stanton of GenocideWatch.org/SouthAfrica.html is correct: the whites are in great danger of genocideStage 6 of 8 stages of Genocide:. PREPARATION: Victims are identified and separated out because of their ethnic or religious identity. Death lists are drawn up. Members of victim groups are forced to wear identifying symbols. Their property is expropriated. They are often segregated into ghettoes, deported into concentration camps, or confined to a famine-struck region and starved. At this stage, a Genocide Emergency must be declared. If the political will of the great powers, regional alliances, or the U.N. Security Council can be mobilized, armed international intervention should be prepared, or heavy assistance provided to the victim group to prepare for its self-defense. Otherwise, at least humanitarian assistance should be.