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Friday 2 March 2012


DAVEL - Mnr. Pieter en me. Rita Botes is op 29 November op hul plaas naby 
Davel deur drie mans aangerand en beroof.
Die mans is bykans drie weke na die gebeurtenis deur Davel se polisie by 
Rietvlei en op Davel vasgetrek en in hegtenis geneem.
Hulle het drie keer in die hof verskyn en tydens hul laaste verskyning op
17 Februarie het hulle aansoek om borg gedoen.
Omdat hul prokureur nie opgedaag het nie, is die saak tot 22 Maart uitgestel.
Mnr. en me. Botes leef steeds in vrees weens die aanval en rig hul dank-
gebede aan God vir Sy hand wat hulle op die oggend van 29 November
 bewaar het.
Mnr. Botes het vroeg die oggend beeste na n ander kamp geneem sonder
die wete dat sy vrou deur rowers oorval is.
Volgens me. Botes het hulle n sterk vermoede gehad dat een van die
werkers die rowers oor die roetine en sake op die plaas ingelig het.
Sy het ook gese dat sy tot vandag toe nie kan se wat presies daardie dag
afgespeel het nie.
"Ek onthou byna niks van die gebeurtenis nie.
"Die mans het die huis binne gestorm en my met my man se geweer gedreig 
om in die aantrekkamer in te gaan.
"Hulle het my daarna met draad vasgemaak en vir my man gewag. Toe my man
by die huis aangekom het, het hulle vir hom n strik gestel."
Die mans het vermoedelik mnr. Botes se grassnyer uitgehaal en strategies
op sy roete geplaas sodat hy moes uitklim om dit te verwyder.
Hy was verbaas toe hy die grassnyer gesien het en het uit sy voertuig geklim.
Die mans het toe op hom toegeslaan.
"Hulle het my man verskriklik aangerand en mishandel en gedreig om hom met
sy eie wapen te skiet," het me. Botes gese.
Hulle het die egpaar se selfone, juwele, ornamente en bykans R2 000 
Volgens me. Botes het ander boere mekaar oor die uitsendingsradios gekontak 
wat vermoedelik die rowers afgeskrik het en per voet laat vlug het.
Me. Botes het ontsnap en mnr. Botes losgemaak.
Hy het dadelik met ander boere in die omliggende omgewing in verbinding
Hulle het die vlugtelinge egter tevergeefs agterna gesit.
"Dankie aan die boere wat daardie dag ons hulproepe gehoor het en ons
bygestaan het.
Ons is ook baie dankbaar vir elkeen wat die petisievorm teen die borg van
die beskuldigdes geteken het, " het me. Botes gese.
Mnr Leon van Tonder, voorsitter van die Davel Boerevereniging, het gese:
"Ons het n petisie opgestel om die borgaansoek van die beskuldigdes teen
te staan.
"Ons was verbaas toe 80 000 mense op die petisie gereageer het.

"Uit die petisie is dit duidelik dat boere en die gemeenskap genoeg gehad het
van plaasmoorde en aanvalle op boere," het mnr van Tonder gese.
Volgens hom is die media vol nuus oor renosters wat geskiet word.
"Ons staan nie koud teenoor die onderwerp nie, maar ons boere wat n 
bydrae tot ons land lewer, word daagliks uitgemoor.


“Stop the Genocide of White Farmers in South Africa,” Protesters Demand in Harrisburg

Like Australia it was once a great country and provided food etc for much of Africa. It is now a Third World country and the murder capital of the world.
HARRISBURG, PA. February 27, 2011 Two dozen protesters from across Pennsylvania gathered on the steps of the state capitol this afternoon and demanded that the U.S. and other Western countries intervene and insist that South Africa protect White farmers and Whites in general from murderous racist attacks. Since the ANC government took power in 1994, 3,811 White farmers have been murdered by blacks.
Organizer Donald Palmer from Western Pennsylvania said: “I’m so proud. We did well.|” He was critical of the media apathy. “I sent out nearly 200 e-mails to the press and many college outlets. There was no response. No one cares.”
A small gaggle of anti-racists held a counter protest at street level 100 yards from the South Africa Project protests. One of their number maced a South Africa Project supporter and was arrested and charged with harassment.
Addressing the rally, Erick Weigel, Chairman of the New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania Council of Conservative Citizens, said: “: This is about extermination of an ethnic group.” The murder of White farmers in South Africa “is genocide. If it were any other ethnic group, Hollywood actors and the media would be falling over themselves to support the cause.”
He urged people to FAX or write their elected representatives and urge them to protest the murders in South Africa. FAXES or posted letters are more effective than e-mails, he advised. “So, spend the 47 cents.”
Also addressing the rally was Paul Fromm, a Director of the Council of Conservative Citizens, which endorsed this rally. A few of the attacks on farmers may be motivated by robbery, he said. “However, the cruel and prolonged tortures inflicted on men, women and children are motivated by hate – racial hate,” he argued. “These are hate crimes.”
The West has told Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad to stop killing his own people. “The stated reason Canada and the U.S went to war against Col. Gaddafi last year was to stop him from killing his own people, ”Mr. Fromm explained. “The West must insist that the South African government crack down on the murder of Whites, especially White farmers, often by its own supporters,” Mr., Fromm insisted.
Mr. Fromm who visited South Africa in 1987 pointed out that South Africa was one of the few African nations that can feed itself. This abundance is due largely to the work and efficiency of the “Boers” – South Africa’s farmers.
The Dutch-speaking Afrikaners, he added, have been misunderstood in the West. They have been in South Africa since the 17th century. South Africa was uninhabited, except for a small number of Hottentots, as the Boers moved north from the Cape in the 18th century. At about the same time, the Blacks or Bantus were moving south from Rhodesia or what is now Zimbabwe., The Boers or “Afrikaners” are every bit as much South Africans as the Blacks, Mr. Fromm explained,
“It’s time to stand behind our European brothers in South Africa,”he concluded.
Similar South Africa Project protests took place in a number of cities across the U.S; including Sacramento, Los Angeles, Little Rock, Knoxville and Austen.
- Dozens of protests took place in front of State Capitol buildings across the USA on February 28 2012 by the South Africa Project. Two of these small peaceful protest-groups were violently attacked by left-radical ‘Occupation’ groups. Thirty-five protestors of the South Africa Project in Sacramento, California were accosted by bottle-throwing ‘Occupy Oakland’ demonstrators whose aggression also injured two California Highway Patrol officers. And one South Africa Project protestor was sprayed with mace (teargas) by a left-wing protestor in Harrisburg Pennsylvania. The other dozens of protests were peaceful and conducted without any confrontations.
“This is about the extermination of an ethnic group,” said Erick Weigel, chairman, New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania Council of Conservative Citizens…