Wednesday, 7 December 2011
The “New World Order”- is a more palatable name for the Anglo American World Empire. It’s the planetary domination of Beijing,London, Washington and New York over the rest of the world. It actually is the Old World order reborn. It should be called “ The Anglo-American Empire World Order”- that is in fact the British and Chinese Empires morphing into the American Empire.
Their aim is the seize of control and consolidation of the following four centers of power in South Africa:
1. Political-
2. Monetary-
3. Intellectual-
4. Eccluestical
What the Wallstreet Money Masters intends to create – is a multinational consolidation of the Central and National Banking systems in South-Africa. What they aim for- is to consolidate a global economic power – superior to any nation state involved. As managers and creators of the system- they will be able to rule the future. They execute their plans through “round-table groups”- through-out the world - including the South-African ANC Government.
“The money powers prey upon our nation in this time of peace-
It will conspire against us in future times of adversity-
It’s more despotic than Monarchy-
More insolent than autocracy-
More selfish than bureaucracy.
I see in the near future a huge crisis approaching-
That unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my nation and my country.
Alien Corporations have been enthroned-
-an era of huge corruption will follow-
The alien money powers in the country-
Will endeavor to prolong their reign-
by working upon the prejudices of the our people-
Until the wealth is aggregated in a few alien hands-
-and the Republic of South-Africa is destroyed.
With the rise of the National Party- Wall Street has already killed Church Street."
“The demagogue rules the mob. Gold rules the demagogue. And the Jew owns the gold.” - Arnold Leese