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Thursday 8 March 2012


Barack Obama (R) and Benjamin Netanyahu (Reuters / Jason Reed)
It seems Israel’s leadership considers that its strategic, military, diplomatic
 and political ‘window of opportunity’ to make war against Iran is fast closing.
Israeli and US leaders seem united in their strategic goal of destroying Iran –
 as they were in destroying Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan – but they’re also 
at loggerheads as to which tactical road to tread.
The US prefers more economic and diplomatic pressure, coupled with
 continued covert operations inside Syria until the Assad government
 collapses and then Iran can be dealt with. 
Israel favours unilateral all-out military attack against Iran now.
Either way, this week may mark the final days of very intensive talks
 between US leaders and Israeli leaders.  Last week, Israel’s president
 Shimon Peres and ultra-right Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman 
were in Washington putting pressure on US authorities, calling for
 immediate military action against Iran.  Then, on Monday President
 Barack Obama welcomed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
 at the White House, reassuring him that “the United States will always 
have Israel’s back” and that whilst the United States “would prevent Iran
 from acquiring a nuclear weapon”, he added that, “we do believe there
 is still a window that allows for a diplomatic resolution to this issue.”
Still, tensions have been running high between the two countries.  When
 US General Martin Dempsey called for moderation over Iran, it earned
 him Mr. Netanyahu’s accusation of being “a servant of Iran”.
Whatever finally happens, it will have to happen soon, because Israel, 
the US and the UK are very much aware that like the proverbial boy that
 cried “Wolf!” until nobody believed him anymore, they just cannot
 continue crying“We’re gonna take out Iran over its nukes!” and then 
do nothing.
Last week’s meetings in the US were particularly important.  They had
President Obama visiting for the Nth time the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC –
 American Israeli Public Affairs Committee – an organization that wields
 tremendous political, economic, financial, media and military leverage
 inside the US.  So much so that at times it seems that AIPAC and the
 intricate network of pro-Zionist organizations it is part of, literally run
the country.   For AIPAC is the key transmission system whereby 
Israeli objectives and interests are imposed upon the US 
government, Congress and its media; and they do this in no
 uncertain terms.
Anybody who dares criticize AIPAC will immediately be struck by its Olympian
 bolts of lightning and branded an “Anti-Semite”, which is the very worst thing 
that can happen to any politician, diplomat, military officer, academic or
 journalist in the United States of America. 
Among those hit by such Israeli lightning, are former president Jimmy
 Carter, his National Security Advisor and Trilateral Commission ideologue 
Zbigniew Brzezinski, and academics Stephen Walt of the Kennedy School at
 Harvard University and John Mearsheimer of Chicago University.
Former president Carter wrote a book in 2006 called Palestine: Peace not
 Apartheid in which he highlighted the glaring similarities of gross racial
 injustice that exist between today’s Israeli ethnic cleansing in Palestine 
and yesterday’s South African Apartheid.  That got put him in AIPAC’s 
line of fire. 
In 2007 Professors Walt and Mearsheimer published a book, The Israel
 Lobby and US Foreign Policy, focusing on the excessive clout and
 leverage that pro-Israel lobby organizations like AIPAC have on US
 foreign policy, and that earned them their share of Israeli ire. 
The authors describe the Lobby as “a core consisting of organizations 
whose declared purpose is to encourage the US government and the 
American public to provide material aid to Israel and to support its 
government's policies, as well as influential individuals for whom these 
goals are also a top priority", adding that the "loose coalition that
 makes up the Lobby has significant leverage over the Executive Branch”.  
AIPAC, they say, has a veritable "stranglehold on the US Congress" due to
 its "ability to reward legislators and congressional candidates who
 support its agenda, and to punish those who challenge it."
Considering that Zionism is basically a political ideology, the authors
 explained that although "the bulk of the lobby is comprised of Jewish
 Americans there are many American Jews who are not part of the 
lobby…which also includes many Christian Zionists.”
Walt and Mearsheimer explained that "No lobby has managed to divert
 U.S. Foreign Policy as far from what the American national interest
 would otherwise suggest, while simultaneously convincing Americans
 that US and Israeli interests are essentially identical…What sets the 
Israel Lobby apart is its extraordinary effectiveness." 
They conclude that when the Lobby succeeds in shaping US policy in the 
Middle East, then "Israel's enemies get weakened or overthrown, Israel 
gets a free hand with the Palestinians, and the United States does most
 of the fighting, dying, rebuilding, and paying.”
Today, in what appear to be final talks between the US and Israel before 
war is unleashed, Mr. Netanyahu emphasized that “Israel must have the 
ability to defend itself, by itself, against any threat.” And then thanked
 president Obama for affirming in his speech before AIPAC that, as he 
himself put it, “Israel has the sovereign right to make its own decisions.
”  According to Monday’s New York Times, Israeli officials interpreted 
this to mean that the United States would not try to block a preemptive 
Israeli strike.
Will it be war, then?  Let’s hope not, but very dark and heavy clouds have
 certainly gathered on the horizon. 
It may just be a coincidence, but interestingly, in recent years key foes of 
Israel have been destroyed by the US and UK on dates that coincide with
 the Jewish Festivity of Purim that falls every year on the 14th of the 
Hebrew month of Adar.  Based on the Old Testament Book of Esther, 
Purim celebrates the slaughter of 75,000 enemies of the Jews throughout
 the Persia Empire (modern Iran, of all places!)
Purim falls on a different date each year in our Western calendar: in 1991
 it fell on 1st March (actually it started at sunset on 28th February) which
 was the exact day the Bush I administration called victory in Iraq.  In 
2003, Purim fell on 19th March which is when Bush II invaded Iraq.  Last 
year it again fell on 19th March, marking the first massive NATO attack on Libya. 
This year Purim falls on 8th March.   Will Israel and the US go into War Mode this week?