CHARL CILLIERS – Two men were arrested in possession of drugs and counterfeit cigarettes after the local police raided their shop recently.
Residents of Charl Cilliers and the surrounding area have their own suspicion and they want answers.
Residents alledged that these men gave children drugs in return for stolen goods.
“There was a sudden increase of house breaking and theft before these men were arrested,”said one of the residents.
She said the community would like to know why these men were released back into society.
“There has been a crime increase during this time,”said const Elizabeth Mabena, spokesman for the Charl Cilliers Police Station.
She said the charges against these men were not dropped. “We advise parents to pay attention to any behaviour changes in their children and to be vigilant towards them,”said const Mabena. She said the police are currently launching a campaign on drugs and substance abuse and people are welcome to go to the station with their complaints or they can contact the Charl Cilliers Police Station at 017 640 1213