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Saturday, 7 April 2012


“A mutt makes a great pet and a mulatto makes a great slave”

-Joseph Adams

The White race is being targeted for total genetic, cultural, and physical destructing by those who are envious of the great civilizations that have been built over the course of millennia. Charters, constitutions, declarations and all other outlines of advanced and superior civilizations for independence and governance have been shredded and ripped up throughout the course of time to end White racial sovereignty. We are living in an age that is seeking to usher in a one world government where the elite faux aristocrats enslave those who have no direction, discipline, or defense mechanisms. Those without identity have nothing to defend and this is precisely why the White race, the elite of nature’s realm is targeted for annihilation.
With the advances in technology and migration we are left with nowhere to run or to hide. There are no more “White” countries and in these formerly White countries lay areas that may be safe for now, but not for long. The intention of this manual is to outline the important bare essentials for our race’s survival in this it’s most desperate hour. We are here today reading this not because we are being punished but because fate should have it this way. We are living in a time where the world has reached its breaking point. Natural resources are scarce, the
worldwide credit bubble is at its capacity, foreign relations are at a standstill; chaos is on the brink.
We truly have only one choice; that choice is survival. We must regain our natural instincts and use our abilities to their potential. The previous and current course of the White racial salvation movement/cause/struggle does not work. 70 years of “White power politics,” in-fighting and stagnation have brought us to this point, hence this why we must collectively come together and pull back on the road.
In order for us to bring our racial kinsfolk together we must understand that there are 4 levels of racial understanding. The chances are that if you are one of the first to read this you are well into the advanced stages. At this point, being on top tiers does not really matter. What matters are healthy racial instincts. Here is a philosophy laid out by Joseph Adams, founder of SaveWhitePeople.com.
The 4 Stages of Racial Understanding
We will begin by saying that almost everyone has racial understanding of some kind. Even the anti-Whites understand that there are racial situations but neglect to follow nature’s path due to decades of anti-White indoctrination. We will lay out these various stages/tiers of White people in our communities that do have racial feelings regardless of where they may stand in my philosophical totem pole. These are the people we need to recruit at all expenses. After all, those who do not make the list are not worth recruiting anyway.
Stage I: Racial Consciousness.
At the stage of racial consciousness one will notice that there are racial differences. People like this will accept stereotypes such as blacks are good at
basketball, Orientals excel in arithmetic, Jews are the masters of money and manipulation, and Whites are above average overall.
They may still have social intercourse with non-Whites but accept the differences regardless. Their White-guilt level is still moderately high. They will however have problems with Arabs, for example. They will buy that all Muslims are terrorists who attacked the United States on 9/11 and just want to totally destroy Western civilization just over jealousy of their freedom.
Because they are still low on the tiers, they still buy the main stream media lies like “Israel is our best friend” and other nonsensical humanitarian baloney like feed the starving Negroes of Africa. Needless to say, the MSM is still their primary source of information.
Stage II: Racial Awareness
Let’s call those who are Racially Aware “dinner table racists.” These people will typically be open about their racial feelings in very small circles to a mild degree. They are not going to run around being public activists but they certainly would not mind breaking out a few black and Jew jokes around the table over a few beers. Their racial feelings are advances nonetheless so they start practicing racial loyalty more consciously and start questioning the MSM/ZOG “authority.” They do however keep within the realm of political correctness.
If a racially aware person has children, these are the kind of people that you will see tell their children to not bring home coloreds from school for pizza. They will often move to Whiter neighborhoods citing “better schools” “lower taxes” and “less congestion.” Private school is almost essential for these people as well.
At this stage in the game, they will no longer rely on the MSM as their primary news outlet. They will often seek secondary sources of information and start challenging the status quo by exploring conspiracy theories and realizing that the government is not the “Virgin Mary” they once thought it was. They will still however believe a lot of the things they hear and still believe in the political system.
They will also begin being complainers. They will start complaining about non-White illegal immigration, affirmative action programs, and bring up non-Whites moving into their communities at their local moose lodge meetings. They’ll also start remembering some basic statistics on race like IQ scores, crime trends, and immigration statistics.
Stage III: Racial Enlightenment.
This is the next major step to becoming a full-fledged racial loyalist. Instead of reiterating all of the above, we will just say that as a result of seeking secondary information sources they realize that there may be some validation to many of the conspiracies they have come across. They start becoming sounder on the Zionist/Jew question. They even may begin to shed some animosity for the coloreds after realizing that there is a plan for one world government and total racial enslavement by the elite that the non-Whites are a victim of too. In addition to this they realize that Black Nationalists (pan-Africanists) are in some ways allies to the White Nationalist community.
After coming to an endless number of realizations they begin to get active in different communities and eventually discover an organization that is right for them. They may join these organizations or subscribe to literature because they
have realized that the Jews have a monopoly on all media and nothing the newspapers, television, or Jewish run internet sources can be believed.
People on this level also take being called a racist as a compliment. They go out to demonstrations and get active in their community. At this point they totally cut off interaction with non-Whites altogether. They also expand efforts into combatting homosexuality, alcohol, drugs, and promiscuity.
Stage IV: Racial/Political Elite
The highest stage is finally reached. The bashing of the other races ceases. People on this level are often targets of onslaughts of government harassment. The elite are willing to sacrifice their life for their race because they know that in doing so it can contribute to bringing on a better world for White children.
Some of these people find a niche they get siphoned into. For some it’s in religion and for others they throw their hats into the political arena. Using racial epithets is no longer done. Often times a very optimistic approach is taken. Love becomes their central message. Racial Elite are always very solution oriented people that do not get tied up with the typical pessimists.
The End
We all know people on these tiers and it is important that we avoid people who are not on these tiers and also that we do not waste time on people who are on the higher tiers. We should aspire to climb the tiers ourselves while working with those beneath us. Sending the same black crime articles to the same groups of people is a waste of time. Reach out to new folks on the tiers!
The reason the non-Whites have gotten so far is by playing the victim. One of the most powerful tools that has propelled them to the very situation they are now in, that is being on the brink of eliminating White people from the face of this earth, is language. The foes of our people are masters at language. There are multiple facets we must examine here. One is how the blacks have changed what they are referred to. It went from Negroes to coloreds to blacks to African Americans. The very reason these changes have occurred like they have is because they play the blame game. They pull out the "racism" card time and time again. It is almost like the story of the boy who cried wolf except the panderers haven't stopped coming! It has often been emphasized the importance of language and memes countless times in the past and it's now time we echo that very sentiment. The truth is that we, White people, are too victims of racial discrimination based on faux stereotypes that come from the elite palefaces who really don't represent the common White person's interest. Racism, or since racism is often used out of proper definition, discrimination is not a one way street! The definition of discrimination doesn't mean oppressive behaviors or practices toward NON-WHITES. So many times people in the struggle tell you to defiantly say that "YES we are indeed racists! Damned proud of it too! “That doesn't work. That train of thought
is like someone trying to play basketball with a watermelon. You can throw it out there all you want but it is eventually going to crash and burn. It is simply good enough to just say that our racial foes are racists and discriminators instead of using traditional racial epithets. We can't get into long debates about history and the holocaust. These are traps that are constructed to totally demean our message. We need to stop falling in them. We may know the truth, but the average white American still believes in the six million. Rightfully so that they still believe in the six million religion because it is irrelevant. How many Jews did or didn't die in a holocaust or lack thereof means absolutely. Nothing when it comes to White people being genetically executed! What we all in the white community must come to terms with is the fact that the non-whites and other adversaries of our people are playing a totally different game than us. No wonder we have been losing! We need to play with the fixed deck in which they deal their cards to us. We need to use revolutionary language and cancel out their fallacious claims.
The Importance of Starting Memes and Mastering Language
A very popular thing nowadays is starting memes. Like most words of the English language, meme has been hijacked. We will use the word meme in its traditional sense. A popular phrase that catches on. There are a number of phrases we need to repeat like a prayer. Mastering language as I have already said is not optional. Let us list some of these memes and their importance.
The White Republic
By using the phrase “The White Republic” we in no way are endorsing any particular plan set forth by any particular person. It is a generic phrase that we must be accustomed to saying all the time in our activism and conversations. Say what we may about them, but a Jew by the name of Theodor Herzl is often bill as the king of Zionism. Zionism, simply just being the advocating for a Jewish state. Herzl started using these memes after the Paris Peace conference and the Dreyfus Affair following “anti-Semitic” attacks.
If we start saying that the anti-White attacks show that the races cannot live together in peace and harmony as once envisioned, or indoctrinated, and in order to abolish these peoples we need to have a White-exclusive homeland, a WHITE REPUBLIC; a land where the White people of the world are free to go and practice White racial socialism. Yes, it’s that simple. I’m sure a lot of you are thinking that language cannot just get this done, but language alone did not bring about Israel either. It started with words. So why not start now? It took not even fifty years after Herzl started this out cry for a Jewish homeland for Israel to come about.
Let us start now, White man!
Racist and Discriminator
A lot of people in the White salvation struggle often try to invent new words to describe our foes. This is a waste of time and creativity. There is no need to reinvent the wheel when such a thing already exists!
We need to make crystal clear that there is NO such thing as “reverse racism/discrimination.” It IS racism and or discrimination. When these instances occur where Whites are disenfranchised, there is no need to run around calling them black/Jewish/Hispanic supremacists or even anti-Whites in most forums. Yes, that is what they are but the key to this is leaving race and color out of it since it will turn way most folks. Simple call these people racists and the procedures discrimination. After all, that is what they are!
These words are not a one way street. Once people deny to you or whomever that these people and instances are not “racist” then THAT is when you start calling them anti-Whites or proponents of White genocide as laid out in the International Genocide Laws.
Black Apologists
After doing tons of research on guys like Jesse Jackson and the “Reverend” Al Sharpton, I realized that these people really are not black supremacists after all. They are actually black apologists. All of these people who run around saying that the reason blacks are the way they are is because of their social environments and their behaviors should be excused because of it. Wrong!
We of the White-First community are people who do not make excuses. They simply do not fly and really just make it seem as if we are trying to justify things. Black leaders and even White traitors often make excuses for blacks. They are APOLOGISTS!
These phrases in and of themselves are perfect to describe what we are and are great at deflecting the typical nonsense claims that we are somehow White supremacists or Neo-Nazis. We can just plainly respond with the fact that we are “pro-White” or “White-First.” These phrases are nearing their expiration date. Mark my words: These terms are under relentless attack by our foes and are close to being invalidated; they are indeed positive but are on the brink of being made negative.
What causes me to have this thought is Pat Buchanan appearance on the Political Cesspool radio program. The MSM picked up that he was on the show and put “pro-White” in quotes. Another instance is the South Africa Genocide rallies. California tabloids did not describe the rallies as “White supremacist rallies” but rather “pro-White rallies.” When the enemy starts using our words it is a sign that they will not be ours for much longer.
Do NOT Put a label on yourself
What we must do instead of calling ourselves pro-White or White-First is simply just refer to ourselves as Whites. Whites who represent White interests. Whites who stand firm on behalf of the White Community. I know it may sound too basic or perhaps even cheesy, but it works. We need to simplify things. We in this “movement” are saying aloud all the things that hundreds of thousands of White families across the world are thinking to themselves but have no courage to do so. Therefore, we represent the White community. We are the “squeaky wheels.”
Now I know that a lot of people are going to accuse me of being too politically correct or simple but everyone must keep in mind that these things
work. What is more important? Shouting proudly “Yeah! I’m a White Supremacist! The White race is the MASTER RACE!” or “Hey, don’t target me, I’m just looking out for my community.” There is courage and then there is stupidity. DO NOT be stupid!
The enemy is going to put labels on us regardless of what we are doing. We can be picking flowers, volunteering at an animal shelter, or taking a stroll in the park and they will still try to demean every single thought and action we take. We are normal people who lead normal lives and have healthy thoughts. We must display this in order for people to follow us.
Steer Clear of the Booby Traps!
A lot of people have dedicated their time and efforts to revisionist studies. The truth is that revising things at this point in time is a waste of resources. I know all you people love to read about Holocaust revisionism, slavery truths, and running around telling everyone about the Benjamin Franklin Prophecies. They are NON-ISSUES. At this point in time how many Jews did or did not die in the Holocaust, whether blacks ended up benefiting from slavery, or Benjamin Franklin’s anti-Jew stance does NOT matter. It has no bearing on the fact that White people are being slaughtered. So running around trying to debunk Holocaustic myths serves us no good.
If people wish to believe in the six-million religion, I say MORE POWER TO THEM! When we talk about the tiers of racial understanding we notice that a lot of people do not become sound on the Jewish question until they reach the advanced stages. It is not up to us to educate them on how many Jews did or did not die during Nazi Germany. It is not our primary obligation to tell them the truth about history for they will discover these things on their own during their own studies. Remember, eventually people start dismissing the MSM lies and the MSM as a whole once they climb the ladder. These questions are diversions from the most important question “will our race live into the 22nd century?”
The Master Race Complex
Another thing that we must overcome in order to be successful is this whole “master race” business. Yes, we of the White community believe and acknowledge history that we are of nature’s pinnacle. While our ancestors were building civilizations, black were still wearing loin cloths and banging sheep-skin drums. Guess what though? None of this matters! Whether we were drafting constitutions while they were still trying to find a more feasible way to carrying things other than on their head. This master race business is in line with everything we have already covered in the previous pages. It is a trap! No matter how you use the phrase "master race" it will be contextualized as either Adolf Hitler's Germans or slave masters. One thing to take note of when using this phrase since it is almost inevitable that you be asked whether or not you believe the White race is the "master race" so when you are asked you should just simply spin the question by saying that you think that blacks are perhaps the master race of basketball, Asians might be the master race of arithmetic, and Whites might be the master race of civilization building and productivity! We need to make sure that we answer questions by being diplomatic. You never know who might be listening! A White family of four might be gathered around the television and just by giving that answer you can encourage them to become a warrior for our race! I know it is awfully tempting to go off on tangents by saying outrageous things. The shock value is always fun, but we are not in this to have fun; this is the most important age of the world and we are lucky enough to live in it. The ball is in our court and we cannot afford to screw it up!
Account for Every Word! There are undoubtedly people in this world who for whatever reason want us to shut up. The most obvious reason is because we are a threat to the status quo and throw a wrench into their plans. These people will use any means necessary to put us away for good. With that, we have been brought to the next essential of this handbook: Being accountable for every single word you say. Endless hours of internet and phone conversations take place every day between fellow pro-Whites and others. This needs to cease immediately. Plenty of times people call me up and want to shoot the breeze about whatever is on their mind. I politely tell them that I am in the middle of something important, which is usually the case anyway, and I need to go. If somebody calls us up and we feel like being a nice guy and hearing them out, the phone will inevitably end up on our shoulder while we are doing something else. Do you know what could happen at that juncture? They can be trying to sell you a gun, get you to conspire in some kind of a crime, or are trying to get your approval on something they are about to do. Just saying "yeah" or "uh-huh" is enough to put you in jail for twenty plus years. Just for not paying attention! Another thing that is important is exactly what you say. Here is a situation to study. Reverend Matt Hale of the then WCOTC was put on trial for a crime he did not commit but also for the crimes of a dead member of his church about four years prior. Ben Smith went on a shooting spree targeting non-Whites, killing two and injuring nine. Reverend Hale joked about things surrounding the situation by saying things like "his aim got better as he went along" followed by laughter. Sure, such things may be funny to some but we cannot say these things. Hale was being
recorded by a federal informant when he made these statements. During his trial, such statements were brought up to prove intent for a faux crime which he was later wrongfully convicted of. We are all free to feel the things we do but vocalizing them is a different story. Every conversation you have whether it is digitally, on the phone, or in person has the potential to be recorded. Keep that in mind no matter how much you trust the people you are around. A way to sidestep this issue all together is to just train your mind to not feel such ways. I have trained myself or actually do not feel these ways because they are wrong. I do not believe that anyone deserves to be murdered and I would not joke about such things so you will never catch me doing either!
Ego Subversion Leadership is important. Not everybody has the leader gene in their DNA. It has been said that only 5% of people are actually leaders, the remaining 95% are just followers. The one thing that has become quite evident to me is that egos almost always get in the way of accomplishing goals. Synergy is one of the things that will get us far. Synergy is best defined as 1+1= 3. One man cannot save the entire White race. One idea cannot save the entire White race. We must all work together to achieve our mission and consolidate our efforts for the greater good. Secondary characteristics such as religion, nationality, and regionalism are all divisive institutions meant to cause tension which creates a roadblock in accomplishing goals. I am far from perfect but one of the things that I believe I am pretty good at is bringing people together. SaveWhitePeople.com has done exactly that. Christians, Creators, National Socialists, Anarchists, and you, the everyday average Joe all listen to and read our content. What is more beautiful than that, United White? Our race is our uniform. Sometimes we need to learn how to "sit second chair." If everyone is a Fuhrer and bumps heads how far is that going to get us? What does being the leader of one place and going to another place where you will not be head honcho and causing a stink do for the future of White children? Do you want your progeny to be living in a mud-slop, crime ridden world because you refused to swallow your pride and consolidate your efforts with another person? Was it that important that your flag flew instead of the other guys or no flag at all? Are you willing to gamble a future for White children on your selfishness? This is almost like sports. If one big black star basketball player goes to one city and another comes shortly thereafter are they going to say "screw this! I'm not working hard or working hard with him because I want the freaken spotlight!"
Sometimes... yes. But that is what we expect of blacks. Others who have an understanding of focusing in on a goal understand the importance of WINNING A CHAMPIONSHIP. The championship in our racial struggle lies in the fourteen words: securing a future for White children! We are all to be humble servants of our race. No one person is bigger than this dire struggle. Swallow your pride, merge, consolidate, and pool your resources because when united, the White race is an unstoppable force!
The 7 Words The seven words read: What have you done for your race? This is a question that you should ask of yourself at the end of every week and be able to answer immediately upon answering. If we live by the threat of being asked the seven words we will keep productive so we do not look like a stammering idiot who does nothing but sit around and drink beer while watching Jerry Springer re-runs. At the end of every week you should be able to compile a short list of accomplishments or steps toward a goal you are working on answering the seven word question. They do not have to be humongous things like "saved the White race" or "stopped the next holocaust." They can be simple things like "donated 20 bucks to the Cystic Fibrosis foundation" or "spoke to a fellow mom/dad at the park about the growing epidemic of black migration to our neighborhood." or better yet something like holding a public meeting or organizing a rally in protest of some anti-White issue. There is no reason that we, the White race, the most productive race upon the face of this earth cannot make small strides toward bigger goals. We are not trying to reinvent the wheel here or find the meaning of life. We are just simply trying to day by day lay the foundation for a Whiter and brighter world. There needs to be endless tasks accomplished before we can even think about drafting a constitution for a White republic or engaging in an actual war with the adversaries of our people. Everybody is either so focused on the BIG problem or the BIG goal that are either not realistically achievable before going through the smaller tasks
first or not solvable without taking out the smaller symptoms first. Let’s look at this like a Nintendo video game for a second. Remember you would have to go through all those little pesky creatures before you can get to the big boss at the end of the level? Well, that is exactly what we have before us. We cannot smash the multicultural beast in the face until achieve short term goals that will get us to that point. We cannot win a war with only a few thousand of us. We want so many White people built up and organized that it would be impossible for them to imprison all of us, or better yet have them afraid of screwing with us! These small tasks like just talking to somebody on line at a grocery store about the race-mixing tabloid on the rack at the checkout or putting out thought provoking flyers are actually more important than the big one. The best analogy this situation is the old "sow the seeds" one. Putting out a flyer that is not so repulsive that people will throw it away but provokes thoughts and sprouts questions in people's minds about exactly why things are the way they are. Next time you see a person you handed a flyer to a week or however long before you can water that seed you planted in their head! "Hey Jack, remember that black crime information I gave you last month? Well things are getting worse! Last week 3 girls were raped by Tyrone and his gang on their way home from school last week! What are we going to do about this?" Yes. It is as simple as that. Remember: Be realistic about your goals. Rome wasn't built in one day and neither will the White Republic. We can only lie to ourselves for so long by saying "c'mon man! It's not the quantity, it's the quality man!" for so long. This is true in many respects especially when it comes to a local community leader or at the
early stages of this struggle when tensions arise but at the end of the day, we want as many non-traitor Whites to be marching behind us before it happens. By keeping our goals short and realistic they become easier to accomplish. We all want instantaneous results for reasons that include satisfaction and lack of patience so if they are short intermediate goals you can be satisfied and move on to the next one!
This is the first edition of hopefully many handbooks I will write in the future. They will get better as they go along. The basic principles laid out in these 19+ pages will give you either a reminder or a revolutionary ground to stand on in your racial activism. We need to win this thing! Please consider donating as well! This took me close to a month to complete after many hours of meditating and formulating. This is free because I am not interested in profiting off of common sense, but appreciation can be expressed through generosity.
Donations can be made by visiting the “Help Us Help You” page on SaveWhitePeople.com
Please spread this far and wide.